“Time Out With Manouk Akopyan” is a global lifestyle radio show that aired live in Los Angeles on 95.5 HD3 FM every Monday and Wednesday from 8 to 9 p.m. PST. It’s also available on demand on every major audio platform.
The show discusses culture around the nexus of arts, entertainment, sports, film, music, food, business, and everything else in between. The program features interviews with prominent guests who lead extraordinary lives, careers and serve as leading role models for the next generation.
The show airs across Lotus Communications Corporation networks. Lotus owns and operates radio stations and television properties across the United States. “Time Out With Manouk Akopyan” is taped in Studio City, California from the Lotus headquarters.
For listeners who live outside of Los Angeles, or miss the show live, “Time Out With Manouk Akopyan” is also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
In The News
(Asbarez) Manouk Akopyan’s Radio Show Debuts Across Major Platforms
(CSUN Alumni) Journalism Grad Manouk Akopyan Launches Radio Show
(Armenian Weekly) “Time Out With Manouk Akopyan” Debuts Across Major Platforms
(ArmenianBD.com) Manouk Akopyan’s Radio Show Debuts Across Major Platforms